Upcoming Community Events

Annual Birthday Party – March, 2025
Trivia Night & Spring Auction – April, 2025
More details and specific dates to be announced soon. To learn about sponsoring these events, email mel.pace@outmetrowest.org.
Our Youth Programs

Elementary Age Programs
Shine is our program for gender expansive young children, Pre-K through Grade 5.
Glow is our program for LGBTQ+ young children, Pre-K through Grade 5.
Please sign up for our newsletter to receive program times and location!
Middle School Age Programs
Umbrella is our program for transgender, non-binary, and gender questioning middle and high school youth. Schedule: Every Wednesday (except holidays), 6:45-8:30pm
Nexus is our program for LGBTQ+ middle school youth in grades 6 through 8. (Queer history fact: Nexus was the first community program specifically for LGBTQ+ middle school youth in Massachusetts!). Schedule: Every Tuesday (except holidays), 6:30-8pm
Drop-in is our unstructured program for LGBTQ+ middle school and high school youth. Join us for board games, music, books, movies, and videos in our center. Come hang out with friends and mentors! Schedule: Every program night, 6pm until the start of programs.
We host Satellite events for middle and high school age youth around MetroWest, in rotating locations. Please check out our calendar and join our newsletter for the most up to date information.

High School Age Programs
Umbrella is our program for transgender, non-binary, and gender questioning middle and high school youth. Schedule: Every Wednesday (except holidays), 6:45-8:30pm
Prism is our program for LGBTQ+ youth in grades 9 through 12. Schedule: Every Monday (except holidays), 6:45-8:30pm
Drop-in is our unstructured program for LGBTQ+ middle school and high school youth. Join us for board games, music, books, movies, and videos in our center. Come hang out with friends and mentors! Schedule: Every program night, 6pm until the start of programs.
We host Satellite events for middle and high school age youth around MetroWest, in rotating locations. Please check out our calendar and join our newsletter for the most up to date information.
Young Adult Programs
Nova is our monthly program for LGBTQ+ young adults ages 19-29.
Youth who attended programs at the high school age or younger are considered “Alums” of OUT MetroWest after high school. The Alum Program offers periodic events, in-person and virtually, to stay connected with your OUT MetroWest community.